Metal 1 Tin Sheet Assignment

Made using only triangles in two separate layers connected at the corners using pop rivets. The two separate layers of triangles are situated in such a way that allows for the bottom layer when pushed, moves up and out, the top layer of triangles, in imitation of the opening of a flower.
Metal 1 Aluminum Sheet Assignment

Again using only triangles in two separate layers connected at the corners using pop rivets. The two separate layers of triangles are connected with slots allowing for the different modules to move in, out, and around each other. Permitting for a multitude of different positions
Metals 2 Mechanism Assignment

Still a work in progress, I aimed to have a mechanism that would fully disappear when clicked together. So with the aim of pressure fitting the mechanism inside the outer pieces, I machined the inside of the two outer pieces to have a near-perfect surface finish, to perfectly fit the mechanism.

Seperate peices put together to be pressure fit

Metals 2 Swap Project
With the purpose of the exercise being to get an object with specific measurements from another person in our class, we would then have to make the object within the parameters the designer gave us.


Final Machined Form